Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mountains and stuff!

So, recently we as a group with some help from Cajamarca set out to preach in a village called El Guayabo, about 2 hours' hike up from Magdalena. It was quite a nice experience, and a great day enjoying some new stuff! Here are some pictures:
Our valient group (save Mikaela, who took the picture).
The Treacherous Bridge of Unnecessary Passage (courageously being held open by an immensely strong young knight to allow the dames' passage). They could have just walked across the giant concrete bridge beside it, but who would do that when you can play Indiana Jones?
Preaching en route to any passerby.
View of Magdalena from the trail, about halfway up.
View from the top.
The bustling metropolis of El Guayabo and its immense soccer arena!
A bit of well-earned lunch and shoe removal before covering the actual village in house-to-house.
It really was a nice experience! The people in Guayabo rarely receive a witness, save for the random times we might catch them at the market on Sundays in Magdalena, or on the road between return visits if they've come down to do business. It's more third-world and modest then I had seen before. Yet, what a great level of contentment and simplicity these people maintain! And how receptive they are to the truth! I would never live in a house like theirs, but I definitely admire their attitude, and it was a great privilege to visit their homes and give them the good news!


  1. amazing pics and very encouraging to see how the truth is being spread EVERYWHERE! Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work... We are all very proud of you but Jehovah even more so! Take care, Love ya!

  2. I noticed you were the only one who removed your shoes!?! :-) The place is absolutely amazing! Beautiful!! Keep up the good work!!! Love ya!

  3. That's awesome Jordan. Jehovah continues to bless your work. Miss ya. Dan and Haley.

  4. Keep up the good work Jordan, its nice to see how the ministry is being spread in remote areas

  5. Jordan very cool.....It reminds me of the scriptures when Paul at Acts 21:19 when he told the account of what Jehovah was doing among other nations to encourage the brothers...you showing us your work encourages me very much...thank you for your self sacrificing way of life....

  6. Thanks, guys! It makes me happy to read your positive comments, and I'm glad the experiences here can be of enjoyment. :)

  7. For the record... I too would be a "shoe-remover". It would seem that no one would mind. I would just love to be able to go tie-less. Very exciting to see the work spreading into all corners of the earth. Good work buddy!
